
Bandite screening in Hamburg

The documentary Bandite gives back to the history of the Italian Resistance, the women support at the liberation fight as expression of parity and equality between gender, a crucial moment in which the women exit from their historical role of mothers, housewife and wife and assume thatone of criminal, clandestine, partisan.
The women were not, as official historiography says, only simply assistants of the men partisans, cooks or nurses, in many of them were guerrila, ready to take weapons for the liberation of all people. Not only the recovery of a part of the historical memory, often left in the oblivion, but also its rethinking for the analysis of today and as example for a social and political renewal of the future.
A film by direction Alessia Proietti and Giuditta Pellegrini

date: november 13th, 2010
beginning: 7 pm
venue: b-movie, brigittenstr. 5, hamburg


October 19, 2010 • Posted in: film