

WORKSHOP on December 19th, 2009

The Lesbian and Gay Film Festival Hamburg and Bildwechsel present: Workshop by Elliat Graney-Saucke, filmmaker of ‘Travel Queeries’ on queer media activism in Hamburg. The workshop is in English language.
Registration is necessary by email until the 14th of December.
The number of participants is limited to 20 people.

What is ‘Queer Media’ and what is ‘Media Activism’? In many queer political scenes there are sometimes limited ways in which people feel they can express political activism when in fact there are many different mediums that can be used and ways of approaching politics and being an activist. A part of why queer media is important to look at is because there are so many ways in which we do not see ourselves as queer people reflected in the media around us, and the fact of making our own media, creating new and empowered images/reflections of ourselves and having control over how we are shown in media are forms of activism and self empowerment. This Queer Media Activism workshop is about creating a conversation looking at political communities and media arts, showing the connections and wide range of possibilities in which people can be expressive and engage in meaningful queer media as a form of activism.

FILM SCREENING on December 20th, 2009

Elliat Graney-Saucke will show her film ‘Travel Queeries – a documentary about the radical queer scene in Europe’ and scenes from her new movie ‘Boys on the Inside’, a film about ‘boy’ Identity in US American womens prisons.
venue: Butt Club Hafenstraße 126, Hamburg
time: 4pm


November 27, 2009 • Posted in: event