
bildwechsel at the Queer Film Festival Hamburg

How are stories told and how are they re-visualised?
Let’s enjoy a wonderful compilation of unique film, audio and video works curated by bildwechsel. The umbrella organisation for women*/media/culture with its 40-year selforganised structure opens up its large archives and a shared space of the times and life plans for models of women* artists. With GuterGrund Künstlerinnen* gGmbh, this moderated programme is about presenting women* artists with their visions and bequests and keeping them
in the world.

date: Saturday, 19.10.19
beginning: 5:30 pm
venue: b-movie, brigittenstr. 5, hamburg

Admission free

German original version or without dialogue.
Total length: 89’

  • … IST MEIN GANZES HERZ, Verena Moser, Schweiz 1985, 12’, 16mm
  • DIE BRAUT ERSTARRT, Hella Böhm, Deutschland 1985, 12‘, U–Matic Video
  • ZÄRTLICHKEITEN, Maria Lang, Deutschland 1985, 28‘, 16 mm
  • EVI ERZÄHLT KLARTEXT ZUM ERSTEN MAL, Muriel Utinger, Tina Z’Rotz, Sabin Tünschel, Deutschland 1989, 4‘, SVHS-C Video
  • VIDEONACHRICHTEN, Maria Lang, Deutschland 1989, Ausschnitt 30’, SVHS
  • ZWEI FRAUEN, Maria Lang, Deutschland 1983, 3’, Tonband
October 1, 2019 • Posted in: event, film