On Sunday the 31st of August we present another swarm-viewing, this time at the Künstlerhaus Sootbörn in Hamburg. For this swarm-viewing we will bring videos out of our garden film collection, which came about following a call for films in 2012 and had its first screening in may of that year at four corners in London- presented by bildwechsel glasgow.
date: August 31st, 2014, 1pm – 6pm
venue: Künstlerhaus Sootbörn, Sootbörn 22, 22453 Hamburg
Filmsfilmsfilms- bildwechsel is looking for films for the la*DIY_fest that takes place from september 11.–14. 2014 in hamburg.
In cooperation with the la*DIY_fest bildwechsel would like to create a space for exchange and screenings, where you can share your videos with each other and watch videos of other ladyfests and about the history of feminist DIY culture.
So it is up to you- bring and share your videos!
If you see yourself as a feminist, queer, artist, amateur, activist, cultural worker and you make videos from a feminist perspective about topics like sexism, rascism, ableism, body norms, gender, heteronormativity, class, working conditions, DIY and so on, please feel welcome to submitt your videos. Be part of the la*DIY_fest in september in hamburg.
We will set up portable dvd players and you can watch films by yourself or with others, discuss what you see or don’t. In any case – come, watch and bring your own films to share and to put in our archives after the festival.
We want to know what’s going on and where you’re at. films – old and new – would be lovely, or maybe you have something you’d like to make especially for the la*DIY_fest hamburg?
please send your dvds to:
kirchenallee 25
20099 hamburg
if you have submissions in other formats please don’t hesitate to contact us via email: suzie@ilovebildwechsel.org
please email us to let us know that your film is on its way and let us know how we can keep in touch with you: please include details of the film (title, director, date, original format, country, language and a synopsis).
Villa Magdalena K. and Bildwechsel invite you to an evening with Montreal based artist Nikki Forrest. She will show her recent experimental video work.
Nikki Forrest is a Montreal based visual and media artist whose practice includes video, sound, drawing and installation projects. Her short experimental videos have been shown at many festivals and galleries including: The Mix Festival (New York), The Glasgow Film and Video Workshop, The Oberhausen Short film and Video Festival (Germany), Ausland (Berlin), Le Center d’Art Santa Monica (Barcelona), Signal and Noise (Vancouver), The Images Festival (Toronto) and the Festival Internationale du Films sur l’Art (Montreal).
Her current work explores the improvisatory flow of process, materials and ideas that emerge from an interdisciplinary studio practice and the relationship between perception and how the world appears to us.
date: July 11th, 2014
beginning: 8:30pm
venue: villa magdalena k, bernstorffstraße 160a, Hamburg
Please send us links for the, soon to be relaunched, women+artist link site, and the new women+artist film/video makers portal.
contact kate@ilovebildwechsel.org
more info:
The “women+artist link site”
Here’s a link to the existing site: www.bildwechsel.org/portal/index.html – On the new site we would really like to include more of the wonderful artists we are in contact with, as well as to reflect more of our international connections.
women+artists film / video makers site
In tandem we are working on a link-site dedicated to the work of women+ artist film / video makers. We have started to contact some of you whose work is already represented within the bildwechsel archives and collections to ask you if you’d like to be on the new site – a huge and ongoing and enjoyable job!!
**So: how about you ? **
If you are already in the archive and we’ve not contacted you yet: please get in touch.
If your work is still missing from the bildwechsel collections and archives but you’d like to take part in one or both of the link sites: we’d be happy to know you too (and if you’d like to have your work in the physical collections too we’d be happy about that as well).
For the link sites all we need is: your name, an image, a short bio, and a link to your website
and in addition, for the video-link-portal, we need a link to a film that you already have online somewhere e.g vimeo, youtube, on your own site.
Contact us at kate@ilovebildwechsel.org