This year the illustrators meeting will focus on screen printing. It will take place at the Villa Magdalena K. in Hamburg, where we can use the screen printing workshop.
If you want to print please plan on coming both days. There will be help for those who have never done screen printing before.
There also will be time to draw together, flick through sketchbooks and exchange ideas.
Dates: Saturday, 30th of June, 11am to 6pm & Sunday, 1st of July, 11 am to 5pm
Venue: Villa Magdalena K., Bernstorffstr.160a, Hamburg
Hilary Goldberg’s recLAmation is a feature-length experimental documentary/narrative film shot on Super 8 in which capitalism in contemporary Los Angeles is overthrown, and queer superheroes navigate a possible future. recLAmation illuminates historic connections between private and public systems of oppression, and explores how worldview shifts caused by personal trauma rendered the capitalist paradigm nonsense.
In the first two sections—1) Consumption and Colonization, 2) Collapse—personal narratives interact with moving images of contemporary Los Angeles, stop motion animation, and sound design. Writer/director Goldberg’s memoir unfolds, offering reflections on time spent with her mother’s violent fiancé and in a mental hospital. Then, a fictional narrative envisions a dream of Los Angeles after it has been liberated from capitalism. Queer superheroes explore a possible future for the city that includes housing for all, truly free markets, the end of prisons, and more.
date: March 8th, 2018
beginning: 7pm
venue: b-movie, Brigittenstraße 5, Hamburg
Bildwechsel Hamburg, in association with (video-)artist* and activist*, will be showing a selection of videos from their archives in Zurich on Sunday the 28th of January.

Schwarmsichtung was developed by Bildwechsel and allows the participants to watch different videos at the same time individually.
The videos are running on small dvd-devices. This opens up the opportunity for each spectator* to define her* own way of watching the material.
Why is it getting dark so early? In which direction will society change? Who will I embrace in 10 and in 100 years? Where will it be? How will I name myself, if there won’t be any norms of desire? What kind of terms will exist for queer Grand-mas and Grand-dads? How will we live and who will that “we” be? Will we build new communities? How? Didn’t we already did that?! Do we want to go on with it? What do I want? Was it a good idea? What about the good ideas that existed, exist and will come? This are just a few questions that the Bildwechsel Team asked itself while curating the Schwarmsichtung at Les Complices*.
Hello everyone,
You surely already know about bildwechsel’s Swarm Viewing format…?
You don’t? Well, a Swarm Viewing is a collective screening of an abundant selection of videos/films on a particular topic drawn from the bildwechsel archives that can be watched on small portable DVD players.
We travel with our equipment to different places where you choose the videos you want to watch, and you can view them at your own pace, either solo or in groups.