GLIZZER invites + Bildwechsel & Document Festival present:
Beauty & Brains
by Catherine Donaldson
UK 2010 1:24

Would you enter a talent contest to stop rape and abuse being an everyday part of your existence?
To be third-gender in Nepal means a choice of three careers; giving blessings at weddings, begging or prostitution. They are excluded from family and school, are prey to security forces, blackmail and sexual abuse. However, as Nepal attempts to
write a new constitution there is a chance of change. In order to be heard above the clamour and civil unrest, the third-genders with Sunil Pant and the Blue Diamond Society embarked on the Beauty and Brains Talent Contest.
This is the story of a community gaining the confidence to confront prejudice and tell society they are natural human beings.
date: April 13th, 2011
beginning: 9pm
Kaskadenkondensator (Basel), Kunsthafen 59° / Mesaoo Wrede and Bildwechsel present
Goldenes Kleeblatt

with work by:
opening: 25th of February 2011 at 7pm
venue: Kunsthafen 59°, Neue Strasse 59, Hamburg
directions: S-Bahn Harburg-Rathaus – Exit Neue Strasse
Have you ever been to San Francisco? Did you leave your heart there? Are you curious about the world’s gay paradise?
Coral Short is back to deliver you the Bay Area’s finest queer videomakers’ work. From Oakland back across the Bay Bridge to San Francisco, the raw creativity of the world’s gay epicentre is on display. Shining forth from the projector this work will delight, move and astonish you. Ranging from tough to tender, from dreamlike to wild, new queer stars are born. So crawl out of that winter hibernation cave, bundle up, come out, and be entertained by these hot Californians.

Bay Area Video Artists:
Terry Berlier
Lukas Black
David Castro
Yvette Choy
Joey Cupcake
Jason Fritz
Samara Halperin
Loretta Hintz
Philip Huang
Jody Jock
Mev Luna
Sadie Lune
Ilyse Magy
Julian Shendelman
Liz Singer
Chris Vargas
date: February 23rd, 2011
beginning: 9pm
Interested in zines? bildwechsel needs you!
we have a huge stack of all kinds of zines that need to be put into the bildwechsel zine database.
come, visit, have a look at the truly wonderful zine collection, and help us get it organised!