The first screening of the bildwechsel garden programme will be on the 24th May at Four Corners, London – 6.30pm for 7pm start. email for tickets – entry by donation (to cover the cost of the venue). Full programme details up soon.
Send us your films!
Ideas about and around the idea of gardens and gardening, fantasy gardens, science fiction, artist gardens, gender, sexuality and the garden, queer gardening, feminism and the garden, animations, music videos, experimental, documentary, activist films…. films old and new would be lovely, or maybe you have something you’d like to make especially for the programme?

in 2012 bildwechsel will begin an internet-presentation of videos/films chosen from the videokollektion. this pilot project is called 50 windows into the women+artist internet archive, and will test out suitable ways of presenting more and more material from the bildwechsel archives online.
the first video is “der zeitpuffer (the timecookie)” from *durbahn 2010, 7,5m b/w (sorry – no english version yet)
another 49 videos will follow one by one.
this is therefore also a kind-of “call for films”: is there a video/film of yours that is already in the bildwechsel archive that you would like to see included in the project? email:
[if your work is not already represented in the bildwechsel archives but you would like it to be, please contact us or go online to find out how to submit at]
Call for Submissions for the Sex Work Film Fest (SAFF).
The Sex Work Film Fest is now accepting international entries for the 2012 festival, to take place in Hamburg, Germany in June.
The entry deadline is March 15th 2012.

Hamburg is a city widely known for its ‘redlight district’ and, like many other places, has a long history of sex work. Sex work is legal in Germany, which should guarantee that sex workers have the equal rights as other workers. However, the reality is that many of the fights for sex workers’ rights remain the same as they are in countries where sex work is illegal. The current wave of gentrification in the city criminalizes and displaces many sex workers from their established working places.