Invitation to an evening at bildwechsel
As an official tour guide at Art Basel, Chris Regn has – for years now – trotted through the middle of the art market traffic chaos.
This evening she will present a tour of this year’s art fair and its sensations.
venue: Bildwechsel Hamburg, Kirchenallee 25
date: August 16th, 2013
beginning: 7pm
Joint viewing of videos and films, and discussion with Bildwechsel
August 15th, 2013
5pm – 7pm
Akademie der Künste, Berlin
Hanseatenweg 10
10557 Berlin
re.act.feminism #2 – a performing archive is a multi-annual performance and exhibition project travelling through Europe since 2011. It will now be presented in an extended form at its final destination, Berlin. The core of the exhibition is a mobile archive and work unit that contains more than 250 videos, photographs and other documents of gender-orientated, feminist and queer performance art by 180 artists and artist collectives. This transnational and cross-generational project includes works from the 1960s until the early 1980s and recent years from Eastern and Western Europe, the Mediterranean and the Middle East, the USA and several Latin American countries.
video swarm – a viewing event featuring videos of the bildwechsel archives.

bring your own computer or use one of the portable dvd players.
tell us what you are interested in or let us pick a film for you from the collection.
watch the film by yourself or with others. discuss what you see or don’t. in any case – come, watch and bring your own films to share and put in our archives.
date: june 15th, 2013
beginning: 6pm to 9pm
venue: villa magdalena k, bernstorffstr. 160 a, hamburg
We are looking for video letters / video notes:
How you are doing and what’s going on?
We’d love to hear from you!
It might be about what life is like for you right now, being a queer / artist / activist / cultural worker / renegade / adventurer / thinker and doer, about the things you find currently relevant.
We want to know what’s going on with you and where you’re at.
Please send us something short – between 1 and 10 minutes.
Why not do something today?