
50 windows into the bildwechsel women+artist internet archive

in 2012 bildwechsel will begin an internet-presentation of videos/films chosen from the videokollektion. this pilot project is called 50 windows into the women+artist internet archive, and will test out suitable ways of presenting more and more material from the bildwechsel archives online.

the first video is “der zeitpuffer (the timecookie)” from *durbahn 2010, 7,5m b/w (sorry – no english version yet)
another 49 videos will follow one by one.

this is therefore also a kind-of “call for films”: is there a video/film of yours that is already in the bildwechsel archive that you would like to see included in the project? email: info@bildwechsel.org

[if your work is not already represented in the bildwechsel archives but you would like it to be, please contact us or go online to find out how to submit at www.bildwechsel.org/info/en/video_collection.html]

February 8, 2012 • Posted in: call, film